Tweet With #TribalChix About Survivor Tonight!

imgresA bunch of you know that I’m a Survivor junkie.

And that I’ve even tried out to be on the show several times.

(Can you even believe that they haven’t picked me yet?)

One of the questions the folks from Survivor always want to know is what three (3) non-survival related items you would take with you to a remote location, and why.

I’ve thought about this at length.

Here are the items I’d bring to the island if they let me:

  1. A well-stocked medical kit. (No way I’m getting sent home over some infected splinter.)
  2. A huge bottle of sunscreen. (Poor Cocharan. Did you guys see that guy’s feet when he burned them? Ouch!)
  3. A jumbo-sized box of tampons. (I’ve always wondered if those are considered survival items. No one ever seems to have her period. What can I say, I’d need them.)


As it turns out, two of my favorite blogging buddies, authors Tiffany White and K.B. Owen, are die-hard Survivor fans, too.

And we decided that tonight we’re going to tweet live during Survivor.

I know. Fun, right?

We’re going to use the hashtag #tribalchix, and we’d love it you would join us in the conversation. 

So grab your torches and join the #tribalchix tonight.

You know, until the tribe has spoken.

It’s game on at 8 PM, EST.

What talents/skills would you bring to the island? If you were stranded on an island, who would you most want to be stranded with?

tweet me @rasjacobson


39 responses to “Tweet With #TribalChix About Survivor Tonight!

  1. Game on! #Tribalchix


    • So bummed that you were in a different time zone! Poop! I admired your dedication – and you willingness to sit through last week’s show before realizing,, you weren’t watching the same episode. You are the best Susie! So what did you think of the show last night? Who do you want to win? And how do you think you’d do on the island?


      • I haven’t watched for a while, but was a dedicated fan a while back. The game has changed and has gotten a lot more intense. I thought it was great! At first I thought the older chick would go all the way, but after seeing “scenes from next week,” it looks like she loses it… her mind that is…
        I hate drama so I wouldn’t be sucked into a lot that happens. I also think I am a pretty good body language viewer and could tell if people are lying. I don’t know if I could handle not eating for 6 weeks… I am MacGyver when it comes to making do with the elements jerry-rigging stuff. Bring on the fishing! Who knows….


        • Oh, I’m pretty sure that I’d have a hard time staying silent to a lot of the stuff that’s been going down on the island this season. If you haven’t been following along, you don’t know about Brandon, but I plan to write about that, so I’ll save the commentary for now. Let’s just say, the show has changed this season.


  2. I hope you don’t give up on try-outs, because I want to blog about you every Thursday!! Looking forward to tonight!! 🙂


  3. Can I be a part of #Tribalchix if I promise to shave my legs prior to the show?



    • Zach! We were hoping you’d show up last night. You didn’t have to be a girl to tweet with us. And you didn’t have to shave either. But that would have been kind of hot. 😉


      • Sorry Renée, it would have been fun, but I ended up changing my mind after attending a gut-wrenching viewing. A good friend of mine lost her 3-year-old girl. She was simply the cutest, most adorable little thing to walk this planet. After watching the family struggle for composure and strength, I couldn’t talk myself into watching “Survivor”.

        But, give me another reason to shave my legs for y’all and I’ll do it!


        • Zack.

          I’m so sorry to hear about the terrible loss your friend has suffered. There is nothing worse than the death of a child. It upsets the natural balance of things. I’m just so glad you were there to offer solace during a most difficult time.

          To be honest, I believe we are here to comfort each other, love each other and raise each other up. Not to backstab each other and betray each other the way people do on Survivor, so I’m not sure why I’m so fascinated by the game. People aren’t very nice to each other. And this season – in particular – it seems like Jeff Probst has made some really weird decisions about letting people be cruel to each other.

          You are a good friend, Zack. Better you were there for your friend.


  4. Squee! This is going to be fun. #TribalChix rule! 😉


  5. Since I am a lover of Table Tennis I would being my paddle. And a Ping Pong Ball. It is a celloid material that makes fire. You never know when you need to make a campfire.


  6. I’m a Survivor fan, so I’ll be watching too. I’ll try to pick up my laptop for at least a little bit. I can’t tweet from my phone.


  7. I know it won’t surprise you to find out I’ve been watching Survivor since season 1.


  8. Isn’t that the show where people eat live cockroaches and such? Gross!


    • I’m going to write about that, David. They got rid of that part of the show for a looooong time, but they brought it back last week. I think Jeff Probst is really making so interesting decisions this season. And by interesting I mean controversial and ratings-grubbing. This season might destroy my love of Survivor. But probably not.


  9. Renee, I would classify all three of your items as survival items! Tweet ya later!


    • I don’t know, Faith. I’m not sure what they actually allow. I’d HOPE that Tampax would be considered a necessity. But no medical kit; that I’m sure of. Maybe you could bring ONE Band-Aid.


      • I read that they do provide tampons to the women. (I think in an interview with Jeff Probst a while back). And yeah, I’m surprised they don’t provide them with some sort of medical kit, like with some neosporin. And I’d definitely need sunscreen, too. How are they all not getting bad sunburns???


  10. Fun! I would definitely want your three things plus tweezers (for stray hairs in weird places) and a hairband (always have one around my wrist). And I will write about your Survivor adventure on my blog every week once you’re picked! Yay #tribalchix!


  11. I popped in to see what you #tribalchix were up to although I knew I couldn’t hang around (I’m about 400 emails behind at the moment after my book launch!) and you were all hilariously entertaining as usual. I managed to catch Tiffany’s comment about her dog farting and have a good laugh before I checked out. This was a great idea Renée! Surely Survivor will finally realize you were made for their show!


    • Tiffany’s comment was hilarious. The show was kind of dull — until the last 15 minutes when everyone was scrambling around and then — DUN-DUN-DUN! Tribal council! can’t wait to write up our experience tweeting live together. It was so much fun. Amber West was there, and she doesn’t even have TV, so she couldn’t watch it. She was just adding commentary based on what we said. It was a riot!


  12. I don’t think I’ve watched Survivor since Johnny Fair Play pulled his Dead Grandmother stunt many years ago. I just haven’t been into it. I’d bring food. Cereal, I think. Honey Nut Cheerios. I love those things. You don’t need milk. They are high in fiber. They taste good. I’d also bring a couple of good books. Maybe more than a couple. (I’m not a team player; that’s why I’d never be good on Survivor.) Anyway. my blog is You asked about it. It isn’t very exciting. I try to answer the Daily Prompt unless it doesn’t catch my fancy. And I write book reviews ( a lot) for my book challenge. And film reviews ( a few) when I happen to go to the movies or see one on the TV (which isn’t very often).


  13. EST? That puts it right at dinner time here. Oh man! 😦


    • Debra: It was last night. This is why I wish people wouldn’t auto tweet posts!


      • I read your post, but notice I still missed that it was last night based on my comment. LOL After I hit the button to post it I thought, “Wait, was that last night?” Anyway, you’re safe with me. I didn’t send out your post. I caught the date and didn’t approve. That’s why I always follow through to the blog. 🙂


        • No worries. But I saw a lot of people auto-tweeting. I feel kind of bad. I just shot out a new poem that was planning to use later in the month to drive traffic toward something new. I’m still grateful that you came over to say hi! You’re the BEST!


  14. So today was an all-American blog. Can’t join in. Don’t know the show. Heigh ho. 😉


  15. Don’t give up, Renee! My friend Michael (yes, the recently de-tribed fan now sitting jury and smiling like the Cheshire Cat at ‘Fillups’ demise) auditioned for the show EVERY YEAR. So, you may get your chance yet…


    • NO FREAKING WAY! That’s soooooooo cool! I love that you know someone on the show! YOu’ll have to tell me what kind of agreement he’s sworn to regarding how much he can divulge after the show. I’d LOVE to know just how scripted the show is — or isn’t. Who are you rooting for? #TeamMalcolm!


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