My Sleeping Bag Coat

When I moved to Rochester from New Orleans in 1995, the sunflowers in my backyard turned their yellow heads to face a blue, cloudless sky. That fall, the leaves on the maple trees turned red and yellow and brown and fell at our feet, but the sun stuck around. One October weekend, my husband and I hopped in his car to scout out a grape festival. Everyone kept saying how unseasonably warm it was. We hardly heard them as we scooped gobs of pie directly out of the tin and into our mouths. Standing there in our short sleeves, it seemed the warm weather would never end. Clearly, moving to Western, New York had been a delicious choice.

One October afternoon, a friend came to help me unpack the last of my boxes.

“Where are your coats?” she asked.

After five years in New Orleans, I didn’t have many. I held up my denim jacket, a green raincoat, and a few sweaters.

She shook her head. “You’d better get a good coat. Fast.”

But I ignored her. Because what did she know? Everything was so cozy in our apartment, and the afternoon light never stopped streaming through the stained glass windows of our apartment.

And then it happened.

One morning, I went outside to find everything blanketed in white. Shivering, I brushed off the windshield and hopped inside to turn on the heat. And after work, I drove directly to the nearest mall to buy my first sleeping bag coat.

Let’s be clear. My sleeping bag coat isn’t pretty. It isn’t fashion forward. But once the temperatures fall below 40 degrees, I am never without it. Black and puffy and filled with down, I wear it all the time. While I make breakfast. While I do the dishes. While I run errands.

I have even slept in my sleeping bag coat. Several years ago, we had a major ice storm. Trees cracked and power lines went down. People lost power for over a week. It was mid-April, and I could see my breath in my house.

Recently, I realized sleeping bag coats are kind of a Rochester thing.

Everywhere I go, there they are.

In the grocery store.


 In a restaurant.


Out for a walk.


At Target.


At the pharmacy counter.


And again at the pharmacy.


I know some ladies will argue that fashion should always come first. In my experience, these women are usually in their 20s. They often live in warm weather climates and wear bikinis with 5” hoochie-mamma heels.

In Rochester, we have to be pragmatic.

Because when it is cold for nearly six months of the year, we have to wear boots.

And hats. And scarves. And mittens.

We do the best we can.

We really do.

Cut us some slack.

Eventually it will stop snowing. The daffodils and tulips will dare to poke their heads out of the cold hard earth, and the trees will decide to sprout leaves. Things will green up. The thermometer will register above 60 degrees. Then, and only then, will I dare to step out of my sleeping bag coat.

What is the signature look in your neck of the woods?

I’m linking up with the fabulous folks at Yeah Write. Click on the hat to read good stuff from other peeps.


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124 responses to “My Sleeping Bag Coat

  1. Well, really, you must be lying. Those aren’t local photos. You got your camera out round here and started snapping every woman you met down in the ‘fin fond de l’Ariège’ (back edge of beyond, roughly translated). Our neighbour, for one, is that person ‘out for a walk’.

    I don’t own such a garment. But only because mine is a fetching shade of imperial purple.


  2. In Ireland the typical wardrobe consists of layers upon layers for our 2 month winter and a heavy jumper the rest of the year…of course we do have our 2 week summer where the entire country shuts down and everyone strips to as little clothes as is decently possible and gets burned to a crisp in the oh-so-hot 20 degree weather (Celsius…around 68 degrees Fahrenheit). I’ve never heard those coats called ‘the sleeping bag coat’, I think I need to introduce this term to Ireland!


  3. Oh good heavens, Rochester! I spent a month there one week. (It was on a business trip. Our customer was RochesterTel. I got to take a tour of their big downtown telephone switch. It’s a whole building. Did I mention the tour was in excruciating detail and took all day?)

    I grew up in South Bend, IN, not far enough from Lake Michigan. We got ginormous amounts of snow every year, triple digits of inches. And I walked to school. I had every cold-weather and snow-related piece of outerwear known to mankind.

    Compared to that, Indianapolis, where I am now, feels like the tropics. 30-ish inches of snow a year. I haven’t seen anybody truly bundled up in 20 years.


    • Hi Jim. Sorry about your dismal trip to Rah-cha-cha. I’m guessing you know all about snow. When you were growing up, did you put your feet into sandwich bags and then put them into your crappy boots (like I did)? Thank goodness somebody actually invented some quality outerwear over the last 30 years.


  4. Here in New Hampshire, there’s no signature look I can identify. Well, except maybe LL Bean’s logo on well over 50% of outerwear – they’re just up the road a piece, ya know. Ayuh. 😉


    • Ayuh, the L.L. Bean logo. That totally counts. The other thing people carry around here are Vera Bradley bags. Personally, I hate Vera. (That is not to say I don’t own a bag or two.) I think they kick you out of Pittsford if you don’t have a sleeping bag coat and a Vera Bradley bag. Can’t wait for summer.


  5. transplantednorth

    Hey thanks for the shout out! What a perfect month to write about this, when winter drags and lags. Once I get to the Motor City, I’m getting me a hot pink coat, ANYTHING but black.


  6. Naomi Hattaway

    Our neck of the woods? Skirts (you know, to keep the under-carriage cool and from overheating) and skinny strapped tank tops. It’s hot here!


  7. Winter fashion in Shelby Twp. (suburb north of Detroit and near Rochester, MI) is nearly identical to yours. We finally had a couple spring-teaser days this weekend when temperatures hovered near 60. Today, we have snow in the forecast. My bathing suits are still tucked away.


    • Hi Kate. We had that same teaser a few days ago, but the temps are starting to nosedive again. As I tap out this note, I am sitting in my sleeping bag coat. In the house. Out of the house. Whatever. At least I took my gloves off. 🙂


  8. Being a New Orleans native and now living in Ohio, I can totally relate! I am all about fluffy, super-warm coats. I am ready for the spring to get here – I would love to pull out a lighter spring jacket (because, of course, it will still be chilly until May)! 😉


    • Don’t you miss NOLA like crazy!? I am hoping to go down in June for a wedding, and I know it will be perfectly perfect! I can’t wait to put away this coat, but something tells me that it will be here for a while. And you aren’t kidding. I have worn it into May before!


  9. Preach! It had to be done. I bought what I refer to as my Mr. Hanky coat (’cause it looks like the poo cartoon from South Park) before we went to Quebec a few years back, and it is hands down the most unflattering coat in existence. But dang it’s cozy.

    I’d say the signature look around here, at least for a while, where those short puffy coats with the fur-lined hoodies.


  10. Having a warm sweater or a leather jacket is all you need here in south Texas for winter, but for those “cold” mornings when the temperature does dip down to freezing (rare, but it does occur), I actually do own a sleeping bag coat in cream with faux fur trim. It keeps me toasty warm when I’m walking the dogs. I hate the cold, even the “cold” of south Texas, rare though it is. I’d rather be comfortable than cold. Most people don’t have sleeping bag coats, but I do and I’m glad of it. While others are shivering, I’m content.


    • How much would I love for my warmest coat to be my leather jacket? Those were the days. I remember when I was in NOLA, I wore this leather jacket that I loved so much. Somebody eventually stole it, but it was smokin’. I would get another one, but our leather jacket season is very short. We go from maxi-dresses to sleeping bag coats overnight. I’m coming to Grapevine, TX in a few days for BlissDom, and I’m trying to figure out what to wear. Now you are making me wish I had my old leather coat. I just a cropped denim will have to do. 🙂


  11. Being a lifelong soccer player, everything is Adidas…from head to toe!


  12. I recognize that “snazzy” black jacket for winter use. I also recognize you in one of the pics. I promise not to tell (Enjoyable blog to read.)


  13. Yes, those fashion-forward woman are in the 20’s. And look like they could use a sandwich, which is ironic. A sleeping bag coat is the next coat I will purchase. I got a mountain climbing coat with a sleeping bag zip-out liner ten years ago just before loading out of Tulsa in freezing rain. You have to have a shorter coat for loadouts. But now that I’m not doing that anymore, my thighs are chilly. Even though they don’t look like they could use a sandwich.


    • Chilly thighs are unacceptable. Unacceptable. We had a mini-thaw the other day, and I tried to go out in a parka the other day. No can do. I walked right back in the house and put on my sleeping bag. Eventually, it will be spring again. Right?

      I think your thighs look fantastic. Are you going to eat all that pie for Pi Day? 😉


  14. First of all . . . Renee? Did you stealthily capture those pictures while out and about?? Like, like a picture taking ninja?? Oh my . . . sniff . . . I am just so proud!! 🙂

    I believe you have seen what the predominant “look” is around these parts. If not, just refer to the entire catalog of Whacked posts to get a general idea. 😉


    • Are you proud of me? I definitely thought of you as I was taking those shots. I was like: How does Misty DO this. These people are going to TOTALLY snag me. And then what do I say? Now I understand why I never see the kinds of fashion DON’Ts that you capture on your camera so readily: clearly everyone is hiding their faux pas under their sleeping bag coats. They are like burkas or something. 😉


  15. Oddly enough, you will occasionally see one of those here.

    By here, I mean Florida.

    You see, the people who have lived here all their lives can’t handle the cold. If it dips below 50, people make a mad dash for Burlington Coat Factory and grab the biggest, downiest, sleeping bag coat they can find.

    Me? If you spot me in more than a sweatshirt, I’m probably not in the state. My Connecticut blood remains thick after all these years, I guess.

    (We bought my Floridian brother-in-law one of those sleeping bag coats when he had to go to Michigan for work in the middle of winter. They are a lovely thing.)


    • Oh, no. I’m not surprised. You probably saw me. Or some of my New York kinfolk walking around down in Florida with their sleeping bag coats. Or just me. Seriously. Because I have brought it down before and worn it. Is that wrong? If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right. Over Christmas Break, it was in the 40s, and I was happy to have that thing! Hopefully, I will not need it in April. Tell me I won’t need it! Arrrrrgh!


  16. Renee, I know what you mean! Over the years of NYC winters I’ve tried to look at coats that are warm and cute at the same time, but guess what? That doesn’t exist. So it’s the “sleeping bag” coat for me until the weather gets more mild. Then the cute stuff comes out -;)


  17. I read the words “sleeping bag coat” and thought: surely, it can’t be that bad. Then I saw the photos. Heh. The part about wearing it in the kitchen cracked me up.


  18. I call mine Big Red. It goes all the way down to my ankles, but that could be because I’m short. I’ve had it since 1995 because I only ever wear it when it’s in the single digits or below, well, maybe when it’s in the 20s, but yeah, a sleeping bag coat is a must in Chicago!


  19. Love the tour o rochester. WE have a lot of those in CHicago too. I remember the same thing when I moved from Texas and had a barn jacket from J. Crew (outlet) as my coat. I was laughed out of the City on the first cold day. Great post.


    • Yeah a J. Crew barn jacket would NOT cut it in Chicago. I HOPE you have an unattractive sleeping bag coat. You guys have those high winds. Brrrr. But you can always duck into some fabulous store on Michigan Avenue to stay warm. 😉


  20. I so relate to this – 2.5 yrs ago we moved from CA to NJ. I have two sleeping bag coats now, oh yes I do 😉


  21. At the risk of sounding dumb, I have to ask-are those really called sleeping bag coats? I have no fashion sense and never pay attention to those details.
    BTW-we have the same coats here in Ohio.


    • They aren’t really called sleeping bag coats, but some girl really invented a sleeping bag coat. I recently heard about it on Sunday Morning. I was like: Whaaaat? That’s what I call my coat! Then I found out she made hers for homeless people to sleep in. Which is wicked cool. While I have slept in mine, I’m not homeless. (I say it still counts.) And I know you guys have them in Ohio. My friend in Cleveland has one.


  22. I have the same coat here in Illinois. Except the puffiness on mine is not hemmed in with stitching like yours, so when I wear it my arms are forced out to the sides, perpendicular to my body. I caught sight of myself in a store mirror the other day and discovered I look just like the Michelin Tire guy, black version!


  23. checkinoutlife

    Nice post! The sleeping bag coat is the ubiquitous fashion statement since North Face entered the earth and folks were selling cheap fake designer handbags on canal street in NYC-they all wear the black quilt style coats. Those coats are the sign that if you give them a certain look you can follow them down an alley into their hidden cove of the best designer knockoffs around. However, this coat is very warm and pretty. I think if we all wore them we would match the chasidim and people would judge us by the inside and not the outside.


    • Hahahahaha! I like your take on the fact that our sleeping bag coats resemble the coats that Chassidic men wear. Their coats can be very fancy, though, FYI. Not all black coats are created equal.

      PS: My coat is not from The North Face. Which is probably why I’m on my 3rd sleeping bag coat. You think? 😉


  24. I giggled when I read the comment from the reader in Ireland that used the word jumper, which i believe is what we call a sweater. My brother, many years ago visited Ireland and brought me back this very beautiful sweater. The problem was, i think it was right off the sheep’s back. Itchiest thing I’ve ever worn. Seemed like there were sticks and brush and all kinds of crap still in the yarn! I think I wore it once, then never again. Still get hives thinking about it.

    What do folks around here wear? Well Carhartt of course. Camo is optional!


    • Okay, I totally didn’t know the thing about the jumper. But I know about those dang wool sweaters. Soooo itchy. Oy. And I received one when I was younger, and I never could wear it. Like the one you received, I swear mine came fresh off the sheep with all the barn crap attached. I’m surprised it bothered you, cowboy. I guess you get on better with the goats, eh?


    • oops…sorry about that! Yup, a jumper is a…sweater, I feel strange even writing that! Yeah…that sounds about right…I think it’s probably the same thing they make school uniforms out of here. Every school wears a uniform here, they’re ridiculously uncomfortable and smell of sheep when they get wet!


      • Hi Jordon! I don’t remember where I ever heard the term jumper but somewhere along the line I learned that terminology. My mother had a cousin who was from Ireland – maybe I heard it from him. Haven’t seen the guy in over 20-25 years. But I remember, he visited us a few times and my Mom would cook potatoes and he would eat them like they were the last food on earth! Another Irish stereotype I guess!


      • I LOVE learning new terms! So thank you thank you for teaching me a new one. Either way, I think we can agree that wool jumpers are rather itchy-itchy. And I remember that sheep smell. Baaaaah! 😉


  25. New Orleans to Rochester, huh? That makes you a true extremist. When you get to be my age, or if you ever have to take Coumadin, plan on moving back south. Winter never bothered me until Coumadin, but now I seem to freeze at nothing.


    • My father is like you. He is always chill. (Because of the pills.) Meanwhile, my mother is hawt. I will not wish for that shift to happen so fast. I will be grateful that the uncomfortable temperatures are OUTSIDe. Thank you for the reminder, David. 😉


  26. I have not owned a winter coat since I moved to Florida. Or boots. Did I mention how much I appreciated it that you had Tech in June. Nice summer bar mitzvah was definitely the way to go. Way to plan ahead! 😉 I’m heading to NYC in October. Hopefully I won’t need to buy a sleeping bag coat. Or a sleeping bag. Or boots.


    • Larisa: If you are going to go to NYC in October, you’d better be prepared to bring some kind of coat. This year the kids were in their Halloween costumes with winter coats. It snowed on November 1. Just sayin’. Be prepared. At least pack an extra pair of Mickey Mouse ears to keep yours warm. 😉


  27. I freeze in Connecticut and can’t imagine handling anything colder. Ugh. There are beautiful, warm places to live. Spring will come soon. It’s bound to.


    • It’s coming. Right now, I can see the flowers starting to poke through the dirt. But I know it is the great tease. It ain’t over yet. No way. It is going to snow again. I’ll eat my shorts if it does.

      Wait. I don’t have any shorts. I will need to go shopping for some new ones when Puffy Coat season is over. See you on the other side Marcy! 😉


  28. Hey! I have that coat. two, actually, one in black one in navy. Around these heyah pahts we tend to wear either fleece or plaid. I even have a pair of plaid fleece pants I wear daily. I have to laugh at what certain sections of the country dress like…whenever I go to an airport, I can spot a group of Mainers from a mile away, they all look old, cranky and are wearing fleece and Bean boots.


  29. oh man! i want one!! i’d rather be unfashionably warm than anything else.


    • I wish I could say I have mastered unfashionably warm, but the truth is that I am always cold. Until like May. I think I’m going to show you guys my collection of hats that I wear to accompany my Sleeping Bag Coat.

      Oh yeah. Now the party is getting started. 😉


  30. From your “sister” in Minnesota–you know I rock that same look, my friend.


  31. I’m Canadian. We wear toques without irony, puffy coats without shame. And reds mittens with maple leafs on ’em, with pride.


    • Is THAT what a toque is? And you wear goofy mittens, too? I think I should have been corn in Canada. Or maybe we need to get together and have a winter wardrobe contest. Because seriously, I’d love to give someone a gift card if they linked up to show me their fabulous look. What do you think? Would you be in?


  32. I suspect it depends. North Texas can get cold, I have two wool coats and a rain coat. They are all I really need. For really cold days I throw on some leather gloves. Being from S. Texas, even this level of cold annoys me. I am politically incorrect, I also own a full length fur I have had for years, I wear it when I travel to really cold places and when it is really cold hear. It isn’t considered politically incorrect in Dallas.


    • Ooooh. You have a fur! I once had a fur coat, but I eventually sold it at a garage sale a few years back. It sat in my closet for over 20 years, and I realized I would never, ever be able to pull it off. Ever. Is it actually cold enough to sport fur down in Texas? Do you carry a gun when you wear that thing? 😉


      • It is now and then cold enough in North Texas, but we don’t care if it is cold. We wear them to the Ballet, Opera, Concerts.

        No, I don’t have guns. I am one of those Texans. Been shot didn’t like it. So don’t much think I want to shoot anyone else.

        I wear my fur often when I travel. Don’t much care what others think. Love my coat. It is warm and beautiful.


  33. It took me a good 3 years to acclimate to the Colorado winters after living the previous 35 in sunny California and I certainly never thought I’d be able to go without a coat when the temps dropped below 70. Now, more than a decade later, I can be found wandering around in just a t-shirt and jeans in temps as low as 50 and referring to the temps as “perfect!” (This is a good place to go through menopause, that’s all I’m saying!)

    However, one very Coloradan fashion trend I will never get used to is the large number of people (primarily men) that wear shorts, year round! It is very common to see some guy shoveling 6 inches of snow from his drive dressed in shorts and snow boots. It’s a statement, albeit not very fashionable.


    • I just had a roofer come to me house. It is under 30 degrees and the wind is whipping. Dude was wearing a Henley. I was bundled up like a clown. Meanwhile, I am trying to picture what it would be like to be HOT or even warm in temperatures below 50 degrees. I suppose this is in my future. I’ve already started waxing my mustache to get ready for this inevitability. 😉 By the way, I once dated a guy who wore shorts year round — with wool socks. It wasn’t a good look in the 1980s, and I’m sure it is worse now.


  34. New Orleans and Rochester are sister cities, aren’t they? I have a sleeping bag coat, but would never call it that. It’s an old Charlotte Hornets jobbie, and I swear, it would stop a bullet. I also cannot turn my head when I wear it, and I look like the stay-puft marshmallow man.

    sexy. and I don’t even have the boots and hat you do to pull off the ensemble.


    • If New Orleans and Rochester are twin sisters, Rochester is the less attractive, moody sister: the one with the weird wart on her nose. Then again, NOLA was pretty violent. Maybe they are twin cities. Your Hornets’ coat sounds sexy. You should consider boots and a hat. Probably. I mean, what else do you have to lose?


  35. Oh yeah, I recognize that coat. I call mine my “Fargo coat” as in ND, as in ‘that movie’ – yup … Went there three times in ten months a few years ago when our youngest granddaughter was born. ONLY grandchildren would get me there. It was also flood season, as only Fargo can do. Fortunately our kids were only there for ten months. I get to wear it occasionally in Toronto and will save it for a winter visit to Rochester so we can wear ours together. Bonne idée?


  36. nataliedeyoung

    Whoa, this is so foreign to me! I live in L.A., born and raised, and while I do own a sleeping bag coat – for camping trips when it’s cold – I break it out maybe once a year? I can’t imagine needing to ever sleep in it. You are a trouper, and we Southern Californians are wusses.


    • I didn’t know that ANYONE was born & raised in L.A.! LOL. Just as you can’t imagine having to live in your sleeping bag coat, I can’t imagine storing it away and only needing for camping trips once a year. Omigosh. That would be like totally awesome. 😉 Can I go to the beach with you?


  37. I don’t have a sleeping bag coat. Instead I just try to avoid going outside as much as possible. After one winter of working in a cold environment (55 is the warmest it was all winter – indoors) , I might get one next year.


    • Avoidance is a fabulous coping mechanism. Just stay inside beside the fire. But if you ever HAD to go outside, like if your celebrity crush was outside on your driveway, well, you would probably want one. I’d say consider investing. 😉


  38. Thank you for the “ode to the sleeping bag coat.” I held out for a long time after winters in Boston and New York. Now that I’ve seen the light, I’ll never go back…


  39. I’ve always just called that the long puffy coat. I have a short puffy coat. But, around here (Pacific Northwest) you’re not special unless you’re wearing a North Face jacket that is both waterproof and hooded to keep you dry from the relentless rain.


    • Short puffy coats are TOTALLY different from this thing. This thing is actually like living in a sleeping bag. Like I said, I’m not fashionable for about 6 months of the year, but I am warm. I’m glad to hear that you are special. Mine is not a North Face. I’m some crappy generic brand — which is probably why I’m on my 3rd sleeping bag coat. I should probably invest. Maybe.


  40. We have the sleeping bag look out here at the foot of the Cascade Mountains in Western Washington, too! 😉


  41. My company’s largest offices are in Rochester (I’m in DC). My frequent phone conversations with people up there always make me wonder how they do it. And also why they do it. Must be that magical fall. Thanks for adding “sleeping bag coat” to my lexicon!


  42. We have to be pragmatic in Hong Kong too. Sure it’s only cold for about three weeks a year, but for that very reason there’s no heating anywhere (no carpet! no ovens! nothing!). We all wear puffers (puffas?) Kind of like your sleeping bag coat but minus the…elegance? I dunno 🙂


    • You are in Hong Kong. Awesomesauce. I love cyberspace. And I love knowing that people love their puffy coats in Asia as much as I do. Question: How can your “puffa” be less elegant? What makes mine elegant? Is it the faux fur? The faux silver snaps? The salt stains? 😉


  43. I see the most stylish women in NYC wearing these coats. Big, long, puffy, quilted, wonderful coats. One of my best friends wears one and I’ll tell ya what, they’re smart too. Because it’s ridiculously cold out there and they’re not going to freeze their tukkuses off. 😉 I have a shorter brown one, but I wish I’d gotten the longer version. Comfy and warm wins in my book every time! 🙂


  44. Oh, funny! I live in Iowa and the prairie winds make for sub-zero wind chills all winter long. Sleeping bag coats are the norm, too. And we wear shorts when it’s over 50, LOL!


    • It hit 50 degrees this weekend, and everyone was wearing shorts. All the kids came outside. They were playing basketball and riding bikes. I came out tentatively, but I still wore my sleeping bag coat. And my hat. And my gloves. For real. Because it isn’t warm enough until it is over 60 degrees. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.


  45. I wear a non-down sleeping bag coat here in the Chicago suburbs. Unfortunately, my husband is allergic to down. We can’t even have it in the house, so no feather beds or puffy coats for me. How’s that for a first-world problem? 🙂


    • I am so grateful that we have enough money so that I can afford a warm coat when I am cold. I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s allergies. That means you are doomed to a life of lumpy pillows. Just curious, do you have pets? Because my hubby is allergic to stuff, too — and we are pet-free. I sooooo miss having a cat. *weep*


  46. Every year I say I’m going to get one of those and every year I don’t. I have the wool pea-coat type thing and it just is not warm enough in the dead of winter. I love that you didn’t believe your friend at first!


  47. As a native Pennsylvanian, I totally get it. I have a sleeping bag coat, a waterproof “ski” coat, an army coat, a down coat with a fur-lined hood, a dressy faux-fur long coat… I could go on. I have an entire closet full of coats, most of which still live with my family in PA. Here in MD, it’s just my wool peacoat and a scarf. Much better!


  48. Outerwear varies in central Virginia–like the weather. Temperatures have been bouncing from freezing to sixty, but scarves seem to be the unifying accessory–with or without a jacket. I’m always cold, though. I’ve been known to wear gloves in the house. 🙂


  49. My latest fashion statement…Bear Paw boots and Smart Touch gloves! I’m warm and still social media saavy!


  50. We make similar fashion statements here in Chi-town. Like you, I’m never without my trusty down cocoon in the winter months. It has so many pockets I don’t even need to carry a purse. This is a wonderful post, Renee. I love your writing and your opening paragraphs. Really beautifully crafted as always! Hope all is well. xo


  51. Well, it’s confirmed. I shall never, ever visit you in winter. But I will gladly grab my denim jacket and rendezvous with you in Spring! I do own a coat (it’s red!), but it’s mostly for cocktail parties during the holidays.


  52. The signature look in my neck o’ the woods? Flat feet! No heels around here in rural Virginia unless you want to trip in a gravel driveway, ruin the heels with rocky scrapes, fall along uneven ground, or totter dizzily trying to be a fashionista on wavy sidewalks in our small town. I do love your post on sleeping bag coats. Seems we are both part of a virtual reality show that’s really virtual.


  53. I got a heavy coat like that last year. LOVE IT. But it stops at my waist. I kind of wish it stopped at my knees some days!


  54. I am beyond late to this party, but I wanted to let you know that I have worn sleeping bag coats the majority of my life (living in Des Moines, Chicago, Cleveland, hello!!), but I have never once put that brilliant name to the puffy coat. I LOVE it! Sleeping bag coat. Perfect.


  55. OMygosh,
    I live in Minnesota and we all wear those coats. I didn’t know they were called sleep-bag-coats!

    Here in Mn, we dress to keep alive and not freeze to death — not for fashion. Haaa xxxx


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